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Distracted Driving

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45 to 60 minutes
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High Definition
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Distractions on the road can come in many forms. Certainly you have seen someone drinking a cup of coffee, eating a snack, putting on makeup, talking on their cell phone, or doing some other action while driving that takes their focus off of the road. Even a small distraction, taking your eyes off of the road for a second, can lead to an accident. Distracted driving is not a new problem, but as technology advances, especially cell phone technology, the number of ways a driver can become distracted increases. As it is estimated that up to one-third of accidents involve distracted driving, it is vital you remain focused while on the road.

Distracted drivers are defined as individuals who engage in an activity that takes their focus away from the primary task of driving. In order to not be a distracted driver you simply need to not engage in those secondary activities. This may sound simple, but a significant number of people have been distracted drivers at one point. Being distracted while on the road can seem like an inevitable part of our hectic lives, but it should not be, as the cost is simply too high. After all, distracted driving can lead to accidents, serious injuries and even death.

Use this course to learn about distracted driving, as well as what sources, both internal and external, can cause distractions while you are driving. Furthermore, you will also learn how to both eliminate distractions before you drive, as well as how to deal with them should you encounter them on the road. Knowing the causes of distracted driving, as well as how to combat them, is key to ensuring you are a more focused, and therefore safe, driver.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Rich multimedia presentation with interactions and quiz
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

All drivers

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Introduction
  • The Cost of Distracted Driving
  • Multi-Tasking and Distraction
  • Cell Phones
  • Eliminating Distractions Before You Drive
  • Fighting Distraction On the Road
  • Conclusion

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