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Laboratory Safety: Handling Compressed Gas Cylinders in the Laboratory

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15 to 22 minutes
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Compressed gas cylinders have the potential to become bombs. Every lab worker who handles compressed gas cylinders must learn to do so safely. This Video On Demand provides essential safety measures for handling compressed gas cylinders properly. Compressed gasses come in four types: standard, liquid, dissolved and cryogenic. The properties of each type of gas are explained. Viewers learn how to properly store and transport compressed gases, how to secure gas cylinders to benches and work stations, and how to install the regulator and CGA fitting. The role of pressure relief devices in gas cylinder safety is covered. Emphasis is given to the use of proper personal protective equipment, including steel-toed shoes, when working with compressed gases.

This training demonstrates the importance of reading cylinder labels and material safety data sheets; knowing which gases to isolate from one another or from electrical sources; protecting cylinders from direct sunlight, keeping safety caps in place, and never trying to catch a falling cylinder. Using a soap test to check for leaks after installing regulators is emphasized, along with the importance of listening for leaks.

When lab workers understand the properties and hazards of the gases they work with, safely store and transport gas cylinders, protect the integrity of regulators, CGA fittings and pressure relief devices and are prepared to respond to gas leaks or gas-related emergencies, the likelihood of a compressed gas accident is diminished. Often, there are no second chances with volatile gases under immense pressure. Take the pressure off your lab workers by requiring them to view this training video, which can help reduce risk of a gas-related disaster.

This course has been updated to include GHS container labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for GHS compliance.

Video on Demand   This course is in the Video On Demand format, to read about Video On Demand features click here.

  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Full-screen video presentation
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

All those who work in a laboratory

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Introduction
  • Compression & Its Effects
  • Cylinder Storage
  • Handling & Installation
  • Regulators & Relief Devices
  • Dealing With Leak Emergencies
  • Review

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