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Orientation: New Employee Safety Orientation and Training

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13 to 23 minutes
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OSHA was created in 1971 to ensure worker safety and health by working closely with employees and employers to create a safe work environment. This video introduces many OSHA safe work practices and standards that relate to your work environment; the lesson presented here will give you the knowledge to create a safe working environment and to cope with adverse situations should they arise.

PPE, or personal protective equipment, comes in a variety of forms; earplugs, hardhats, and steel-toed shoes are all examples of PPE. Your employer will educate you on the proper PPE needed and train you on how to use the protection best suited for your work environment. OSHA dictates that every employee has the right to know what PPE they need for the job, as well as what potential hazards they may be exposed to at their work environment.

Since many employees interact with hazardous material and chemicals, understanding the dangers associated with the materials present at your workplace is integral to maintaining a safe work environment. These hazards, including potential bloodborne pathogens, are something every employee should be able to recognize. Learn the correct methods for identifying and dealing with these hazards, as well as how to reduce your chance of exposure through good housekeeping practices.

Every employee should be able to work in an environment that poses them as little danger as possible, and by following the OSHA safe work practices presented in this video you reduce your risk of exposure and injury.

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  • Install on any SCORM LMS
  • Full-screen video presentation
  • Print certificate and wallet card
  • You have 30 days to complete the course

Any new employee

The course presents the following topical areas:
  • Introduction
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Hazard Communication
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Good Housekeeping
  • Conclusion

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